1499 E Iron Salina KS 67401

Laser Acne Treatment With Levulan

Millions of young Americans suffer with acne. Acne is a common, chronic skin condition caused by inflammation of oil-producing sebaceous glands. Acne breakouts are most common on the face, but they can also occur on the back, shoulders, neck, chest, scalp,

  1. Laser Acne Therapy

upper arms and legs. Acne develops when skin cells don't shed properly - they stick together and plug up the pores. This blockage encourages an oil called sebum and a bacteria called Propi onibacterium (P. acnes) to build up in the skin pores, leading to inflammation. The oil is produced by the sebaceous glands.

Unfortunately, acne is not easy to treat. Traditional therapies have a variety of side effects and sometimes require months to work, if they work at all.

At SkinRenewKs, we use the Syneron IPL laser with Levulan to treat active acne. The laser treats acne by shrinking the sebaceous gland which effectively targets the source of acne versus the bacterial symptoms, for longer lasting results. We also recommend treatment with Levulan, which treats the bacteria that causes acne, in conjunction with laser acne treatments.

Smoothbeam Laser for Acne

Clear skin is right around the corner. The Smoothbeam Acne Laser is the only laser clinically proven to target acne at the root cause, the oil gland.   Acne is an inflammatory skin condition affecting the pilosebaceous unit. Part of this unit, found in the vital portion of the skin, are the oil glands (sebaceous glands) which secrete oil into the hair follicle.  Each follicle contains a small, vellus hair and a sebaceous gland. The oil glands within these follicles are often overactive during the teenage years and puberty, playing a key role in the development of acne.

Acne is most common on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back, and chest where there is a high concentration of oil glands.

Symptoms of acne include red spots, blackheads, whiteheads, nodules and cysts. Acne affects 80 percent of the human population with almost no person passing through their adolescence years without experiencing some form of a blemish or pimple.

CALL 785-825-2003 or 1-866-296-2003


SkinRenewKs services mid-Kansas:

Abilene, Beloit, Belleville, Clay Center, Concordia, Dodge City, Ellis, Ellsworth, Great Bend, Hays, Hutchinson, Junction City, Lawrence, Lindsborg, Manhattan, McPherson, Minneapolis, Osborne, Pratt, Russell, Salina, Scott City, Smith Center, Topeka and Wichita; and also Nebraska cities of Omaha, Hastings, Grand Island, Lincoln, and Kearny

Treatments are performed in our Salina office:

1499 E Iron Avenue

With satellite clinics located at:
  • Abilene: 515 NE 10th
  • Beloit: Mitchell Co. Hospital Annex Building
  • Concordia: 222 W. 6th
  • Salina: 1499 E Iron Ave